Hello from Harold's Management

My name is Big Chris.

For the last two years I have been the manager of Harold Horseface. I represent Harold’s interests in the public sphere and have acted as his advisor in making financial and personal decisions. This has not been an easy job, and I am sure those of you familiar with my client can understand the delicate challenges involved in working with him.

Harold is seeking to increase the American people’s awareness of him and what he represents. However, Harold is not very good at using the Internet. That is one of several reasons why he has hired me. I have been helping Harold to understand the technology, and after eleven months we feel confident about launching this website.

Harold’s plan is to primarily use this page as a blog to keep the public up to date on his life, goings-on, and state of mind. I myself will be uploading what Harold writes and will occasionally post my own thoughts when necessary.

I am sure that this will be a great step towards making sure that Harold Horseface is a household name for every American family.

– B.C.